Celine asks...what is your favourite memory? Or the first memory that comes to your mind that makes you smile? 
Wow...what a question...!where do I  begin?
I am happy that I was asked this question. ..It made me dig deep in my storage bank, and was able to recollect countless favourite times, spent with
different people. ..
And I realised I have no specific favourite that stand out...or maybe it is because the question is general..
I travelled back to my childhood days with my parents and siblings,to times with my many special friends, ..and I realised I have laughed and enjoyed my life a great deal....and picking one memory would be betraying the other...but I have to pick right? For now I will pick this one:

A memory with my sister: have always been close to my young sister  (by two years ) and we used to play these silly games that will level us with laughter ,one particular game was where we took turns carrying each other on our backs,then we would count steps and change,for some reason I always convinced her to let me go ( on her back ) first,which meant for the game to be fair she had to go last (on my back).We would keep taking turns until the last round where I was supposed to carry her last,then I would stop/refuse to carry her,this would always end in a cat and mouse chase,and a whole lot of rib cracking hysterics with her trying to get on my back.I think she secretly loved the chase for she never complained when I asked her to let me go first,despite me being the oldest and heaviest ( chuckles)...
This is one of my fondest memory with my dear sister...and yes every time I bring to mind those good old days,where we were free and oblivious, it makes me smile,my heart triple in size and it brings about a nostalgic yearning for my childhood days.....


Quote on memories : Memories are timeless treasures on the heart 
Quote on sisters         : Our roots say we are sisters, our hearts say we are best                                                 friends


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